Millennial Heart continued...

“Millennial Heart” was co-written and performed by musician Rich Morel and Martina Topley-Bird. Morel is best known for his club mixes and critically acclaimed studio albums, but he has also for collaborating with top artists including Yoko Ono, New Order, Depeche Mode, Cyndi Lauper, The Killers, Pet Shop Boys, and Bob Mould

Vocals are by the inimitable “trip-hop” siren and Tricky/Massive Attack collaborator Martina Topley-Bird. Topley-Bird’s captivating vocals envelope the song’s minimal house production creating the perfect atmospheric backdrop Millennial Heart.

The animation was created using a combination of Toon Boom Harmony, Adobe Photoshop, and VideoScribe, with final editing done using Final Cut Pro. I’ve included the press release and a few still images from the video. Watch now at  

Millennial Heart
Millennial Heart
Millennial Heart